Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Steam Fermented soya sauce chicken

Every Friday is the day I plan for my whole week's meal and I will go for my groceries shopping at Chinatown on Saturday. It can be pretty tough deciding what to cook for dinner 6 days a week. Now I can relate to what my mum always tell me , "Very sianz don't know what to cook!"

Whenever I tell my husband the same thing he will always says "It's ok I can eat the same thing every week." But the problem is I am the one who will get sianz cooking and eating the same thing haha! Of course, I also hope that my husband can eat something new each week since he is working hard and I am the one who is not working.

I am more lucky than my mum because I have the help of the internet! Thanks to food bloggers who are willing to share their recipes on their food blog. I get inspiration from their recipes. I have shared a few of my favourite food blogs on my blog. Please do check them out. Their blogs have easy recipes and slightly difficult ones.

This recipe which I share is from food blogger Nasi Lemak Lover. Being a lazy cook at times and also I have to keep a healthy diet, I look for simple recipes which do not require deep frying. When I see this recipe it just fit into what I like. The original recipe use drumstick meat but I have decided to change it into breast meat as it has less fat. I thought breast meat would turn out tough but surprisingly maybe due to the cornstarch and the cooking time, it turns out pretty good. I just love food with gravy, and as you have seen in the photo, it has quite some gravy which I love to eat it with my rice :)


1) 400g chicken breast meat, cut into small bite size

2) 1tbsp tauchu /fermented soy bean

3) 1tsp light soy sauce

4) 1/2tsp salt

5) 1tsp sugar

6) A dash of pepper

7) 1tsp Chinese cooking wine

8) 1tbsp tapioca starch/ corn starch

9) 2tbsp chicken stock

10) 1tbsp chopped garlic

11) 1tbsp shredded ginger

12) fresh red chili, chopped

13) sprig spring onion, chopped


1. Mix chicken meat with ingredients 2 to 11 in a steaming plate, marinate for 1hour or more. Leave some garlic and ginger aside and sprinkle them onto the chicken before you steam it.

2. Add half of the red chili and spring onion, and mix well with chicken.

3. Steam over high flame for about 8mins or till cooked.

4. Garnish with the other half red chili and spring onion.

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