Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Steam cod fish with crispy bean bits 豆酥鳕鱼

In my previous blog on homemade soya bean milk, I have mentioned that I have made use of the blended soya beans left overs to make 豆酥. My first attempt to make it is pretty successful. It turn out not too salty and I have added some kick to it by adding dried chillies. Since it tasted quite nice, I have confidence in making it again when I make my 3rd round of soya bean milk. Than I won't feel so bad in throwing away the soya beans after squeezing out the juice. And I can save some money too! One small bottle of 豆酥 is pretty expensive. Though my home made version is not as yummy as the ones sold in supermarket, but it is cheaper and not so oily. Those sold are covered in a layer of oil!

I managed to get some cod fish at a discounted price and it is just perfect for making this steam cod fish with crispy bean bits(豆酥鳕鱼). For making this dish I have referred to this Chinese website I have added some ingredients in making the 豆酥 though.

1) Pulp from blended soya beans after squeezing out the juice (豆渣)
2) Chilli bean sauce (豆瓣酱)
3) Soya sauce
4) 2 to 3 Dried Chillies
5) Chopped garlic
6) Oil

1) Pour olive oil onto the soya bean pulp and try to coat the pulp with the oil.
2) Spread the pulp evenly on a baking tray and put it in the oven and bake it at 150 to 160 degree C for roughly 40 minutes. You will have to toss the pulp halfway through the cooking time in order to cook evenly. You might have to vary the cooking time. As long as it has turned slightly brown and a bit crispy(only very slightly) you can take it out
3) Add in some oil into the pan, when the oil is slightly hot, add in the garlic and dried chillies and stir fry until you smell the fragrance of the garlic.
4) Add in the bean sauce and soya sauce and stir fry for a while. Pour in the toasted crispy bean pulp and mix well with the seasonings.
5) Stir fry with low fire until the bean pulps turn golden brown.

Now it's turn to cook the cod fish with the cooked crispy bean bits.

1) Cod fish
2) Crispy Bean bits
3) Soya sauce
4) Scallions
5) Ginger
6) Oil

1) Steam the cod fish with ginger and scallion.
2) Heat some oil in a pan and stir fry the crispy bean bits until they become more crispy.
3) When the cod fish is done. Pour the crispy bean bits on top of the cod fish.
4) Heat soya sauce (you can add in some water if you find it too salty) in the microwave or on the pan until it simmers and pour the mixture onto the cod fish.

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