Friday, July 15, 2011

Baked Thai Style Salmon

This is another simple salmon recipe. Just a few ingredients and you can have a healthy and yummy dish. You can choose to steam this dish too. Or you can change the salmon to other fish like sea bass,red garoupa etc.

My husband like to grow some veggie at home. We have harvested a lot of of chilli padis so we are thinking of how to "get rid of them" in different dishes. So this is a dish perfect for using them ;) Now we are growing calamansi and the asian chillis which we can hardly find in Houston. So far my chillis are finally turning red (after a few months), but the calamansi is growing so so slowly! Can't wait for it to  grow tall and grow fruits so that I can use them for my belachan chilli.  I will post my results for my belachan chilli later.

1) 1 big salmon fillet
2) 3 to 4 chilli padi (you can reduce or add according to your tolerance for spicyness)
3) 5 to 6 garlic chopped finely.
4) 1 onion chopped finely
5) 1 inch ginger chopped finely
6) some cilantro optional
7) 1 to 2 teaspoon of fish sauce (some brands are more salty so you can reduce accordingly)
8) 1 tablespoon of sugar
9) Juice of 1 medium size lime.
10) Rind of half of the lime

1) Pat the fish dry and place it on the aluminum foil.
2) Sprinkle the chilli padi, garlic, onion and ginger over the fish
3) Mix all the seasonings in a bowl until the sugar dissolve than pour it over the fish.
4) Seal the foil and place it in the preheated oven ( around 200 degrees C) for 15 to 20 minutes.
5) Sprinkle the cilantro over the cooked fish than serve.

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