Monday, July 11, 2011

Baked Herbal Fish

It's really a headache thinking of how to cook a fish. As I have mentioned in my earlier post, I cook a fish dish almost 3 times a week. I don't like to fry fish because firstly it is rather unhealthy and secondly the whole kitchen will be very oily.  Therefore when I see this recipe from wokkingmum ( I am so happy and excited to try this out.

Anyway I still have a lot of Chinese herbs which I bought to cook herbal soup. I might as well use them to cook this dish! If you like herbal taste this dish is definitely right for you. You can even substitute fish to chicken and you get herbal chicken! I have chosen to bake the fish instead of steaming because I am using the oven to cook another dish so I might as well kill 2 birds with one stone ;p  In other words, I am just lazy lah cos don't need to wash extra utensils haha!

1) Swai fillets (you can even use salmon. I have tried it and it tasted good too!)
2) 80ml Water
3) 1 tablespoon Shao Xing Wine
4) Salt and pepper to taste
5) 10 pieces of Yu Zhu 玉竹 (Solomon's Seal Rhizome)
6) 6 Hong Zao 红枣 (Red Dates)
7) 8 pieces of Pao Shen or 1 stalk Ren Shen 人参 (Gingseng)
8) 2 sticks of Dang Shen 党参 (Codonopsis Pilosulae)
9) 1 handful of Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 (Wolfberries)
10) 1 piece of Dang gui 当归 (Chinese angelica)

1) Put all herbs with water in a bowl and put into the microwave for about 10 minutes .
2) Put the fish on the aluminum foil and pour the herbs with the water over the fish.
3) Add in the salt, pepper and wine.
4) Seal the foil and put into preheated oven (around 200 degree C) for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the fish is cooked.

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