Monday, July 18, 2011

Salmon Belly Miso Soup

I remember whenever I go Sushi Tei, I would definitely order their Salmon Belly Soup. My husband also love this soup at first taste. It's been a long time since I go there. Wonder if they still serve that?   Anyway one day I suddenly have a craving for that soup. (probably because I crave for good Jap food, it's so difficult to find a good ramen here) I therefore decided to try to cook my version of this soup based on my memory of how the soup taste.

天助我也, I found my main ingredient, salmon belly being sold in the Chinatown supermarket! Actually I have cooked this soup for a few times, perfecting the taste each time I cook this. I would not say that this time round it taste as good as the one at Sushi Tei, but we are happy with the taste ;) I just love the taste of the salmon belly fat oozing in my mouth when I bite into it! And I don't have to feel guilty about eating it! Salmon belly has the most fat full of omega 3 which is good for the heart. This is really a healthy soup for the whole family.

1) Salmon belly cut into chunks
2) Half a box of Tou Fu cut into small cubes
3) Seaweed
4) Half of a big onion cut into slices
5) Eniki Mushroom (金针菇)
6) Spring onion
7) 1 table spoon of red,white or yellow Miso
8) 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Bonito powder
9) 1 table spoon of mirin
10) Sake (optional)

1) Bring 5 to 6 bowls of water to boil.
2) Add in all the ingredients.
3) Scoop some of the soup to the miso paste and let the miso dissolve in it before adding it to the soup. This is a very important step. If you just add the miso paste directly into the soup. It will not dissolve so easily and may end up getting burnt in the pot.
4) Add in the other seasonings. You might want to taste the soup first before adding in the bonito powder. This is because some brand's miso might taste more saltish than others. Red miso is the most saltish and white ones are the least saltish. So it depends on how saltish your miso is than you adjust the amount of bonito powder and mirin accordingly.
5) When the salmon belly is cooked you can turn off the fire and serve. Before serving sprinkle some spring onion.

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