Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bitter Gourd Soup

Hot weather needs a cooling soup for the body. According to my mum bitter gourd is cooling for the body. And I just checked that it can stabilize the blood sugar in the body which is just right for me! Therefore it is one of the most common soup I will cook at home. If you are scared of the bitter taste if the bitter gourd, I think after cooking it as soup it is not as bitter as eating it as a dish. The soup also does not taste bitter too!

We have been eating quite a bit of deep fried food for the past few days so I hope by drinking this soup it helps to cool the body down ;p

1) 1 Bitter Gourd cut into big chunks take off the pith and seeds.
2) 1 small piece of loin meat (you can use pork ribs for soups too)
3) 8 small red dates, remove the seeds
4) 3 big dried oysters

1) Blanch the loin meat or pork ribs and set aside.
2) Bring 5 bowls of water to boil than put all the ingredients into the pot.
3) Cover the pot and let it comes to a boil again for 5 minutes. Than lower the flame and let it simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

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