Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bean Sprouts and roast chicken salad with thyme

Ever since my doctor tell me to eat more greens and protein less carbo to control my blood sugar, I have salad almost everyday for lunch. I just stock up my fridge with fresh greens, cucumber, tomatoes,lemons, limes and I just grab whatever I feel like eating and come up with a simple salad dressing to go with the veggies.

Yesterday my neighbour just gave me a big plate of bean sprouts which she has grown herself! Wow very organic! Must not let those go to waste. I decided to add it to my lunch salad. My fridge ran out of green veggies, therefore I just grab whatever I have left in the fridge to come up with my salad. And I have just bought some thyme just nice to invent a new salad with that ;p

And this is the outcome of my so call invention
First of all, I found a chicken breast in my freezer.  I thawed it to make my roast chicken. In order to have juicy chicken breast meat, buy those with skin and bones intact. Marinate it with olive oil, salt, black pepper, and roast chicken seasoning in a bottle(optional).  Than bake it in the preheated oven of around 200 degree C for around 30 to 40 minutes. Take the chicken out from the oven and cover it with aluminum foil until it is cool enough for you to cut it into chunks. I took off the skin for a healthier meal.
My roasted chicken breast
Next the veggies. I can only find cucumber, tomatoes, celery and lemons in my fridge. Therefore I cut the cucumber and tomatoes into cubes. And than i add in the raw bean sprouts. If you mind the raw taste of the bean sprouts you can cook it in hot water for a while. I minced my all time favourite garlic and shallots and add into the salad too. Than I sprinkle a little little bit of thyme on top. Ok my veggie part is done.
The veggies
Now left with the salad dressing. I add juice of half a lemon, some balsamic vinegar, ponzu dressing, black pepper and sesame oil into a bowl and mix them well. Give it a taste. if you find it too salty add some sugar.  My dressing is done!

Add the chicken chunks into the veggie and pour the dressing on top of the salad. Mix the them well and I am done with my simple lunch! yummy!

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