Monday, October 31, 2011

Ketchup Luncheon Meat with Potatoes 茄汁炒马铃薯午餐肉

 I was chatting with my good old friend WW on msn the other day. We are both true blue Cantonese. We often chat about the home cooked dishes our mums cooked at home. We found that our mums have quite a number of common dishes which they cooked. We were guessing whether these were common cantonese home cooked dishes.  One of these dishes is ketchup luncheon meat with potatoes. Once in a while I will crave for luncheon meat and my mum will cook this dish. Since my husband loves to eat luncheon meat and my pantry still has a few cans of it (which i stock up for hurricane emergency package)I shall cook this dish. 

After chatting with WW on how our mums cooked all these dishes, we found that there are still slight differences. The main ingredients might be the same but there will still be some slight differences in some ingredients. For eg my mum usually will add the frozen mixed vegetables (those with green beans, corn kennels and diced carrots) to add some colour. But WW's mum will cook this dish with baked beans. Yummy I love baked beans! Too bad I don't have that in my pantry, if not I will cook it with that. This time round i use celery to replace the mixed vegetables as I don't want to buy a big bag of it just to use a small amount to cook this dish. This is really a great dish to eat with rice. I think I can finish my rice just with this dish ;)

1) Luncheon Meat half a can, cut into small cubes
2) 1 Potato cut into small cubes
3) 2 sticks of celery cut into small slices
4) 1 tablespoon of minced garlic
5) 3 tablespoons of ketchup 
6) 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (optional)
7) 1 teaspoon of sugar
8) 1 teaspoon of oyster sauce
9) 2 tablespoon of water

1) Heat oil in a pan. Add in garlic and stir fry for a while.
2) Add in the potatoes and luncheon meat and stir fry.
3) Add in the celery.
4) Add in the ketchup, lemon juice, sugar, oyster sauce and water. Stir fry to mix the sauces and ingredients well.
5) Than cover the pan with the lid and simmer till the potatoes are soft and the dish is ready to serve!

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