Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stir fry brussels sprouts with ikan bilis

Bored with eating the usual veggies like kai lan, you cai, xiao bai cai. I seem to remember seeing a blog which have a recipe of stir frying brussels sprouts with meat. Looks interesting! To me brussels sprouts is an ang moh veggie, asians seldom cook this. I should give it a try since I can get it easily at the ang moh supermarket near my place. Hmm but would like to give this dish a twist. Instead of using meat, I would like to use ikan bilis. I just bought a packet and the ikan bilis is bigger than the normal ones so i better don't waste it by using it to make soup stock (cos i usually throw away the ikan bilis).

Instead of just throwing it in to stir fry with the brussels sprouts, I roast the ikan bilis in the oven to make it crispy. Usually people will deep fry it but I just lazy and baking it use less oil so you should know i have to keep a healthy diet and hence the perfect choice for me.

The baked ikan bilis
How to bake the ikan bilis:
1) If you don't mind the high cholesterol in the head of the ikan bilis, you can leave the head on. By taking the head away, you will also pull out the blackish thing at the stomach which will give the ikan bilis a biter taste. Mix the ikan bilis with olive oil and spread them in an even even layer on a baking tray.
2) Preheat the oven to around 200 degree c, than place the tray inside the oven and bake it for 5 to 8 minutes. Must be careful when you reach the 5th minute. Take a peep at the ikan bilis if they are browned and crispy, you can take them out and set aside. If they are not browned yet, you can leave them to bake in the oven.

1) 1 handful of toasted ikan bilis
2) 15 brussels sprouts cut into quarters
3) 1 tablespoons of minced garlic
4) 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
5) 1 teaspoon of cooking wine
6) 2 tablespoon of water

1) Heat some oil in the pan. Add in the minced garlic and stir fry until fragrant.
2) Add in the brussels sprouts and stir fry for a while.
3) Add in the oyster sauce and mix well with the brussels sprouts. Than add in the water. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for around 5 minutes.
4) Add in the ikan bilis and sir fry for a while. Add in the cooking wine and mix well.
5) When the brussels sprouts are slightly soften you can transfer them on a plate to be served.

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