Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Claypot rice without the claypot

I guess many people already know how to use the rice cooker to cook claypot rice. For those who don't know, you should try it! It's simple, in Cantonese we call it  一锅熟 dish.  All you need is a rice cooker, chicken, chinese sausages and salted fish. You can even add other ingredients to your liking. Like my mum, she will also add fishballs, sotong balls, mushrooms, dried shrimps and yam. My family call it 有味饭. We will eat extra bowls of 有味饭 whenever my mum cooks it.

I just bought some salted fish just for this claypot rice recently. I omitted the salted fish last time whenever I cook it cos I seldom use salted fish for cooking. But since I wanted make Hakka Yong Tou Foo (i will post it later) which needs to add this I might as well buy it and use the salted fish to cook other dishes like 咸鱼炒豆芽. I would highly recommend adding the salted fish to cook the claypot rice. It really adds another depth of taste and fragrance to the rice. Just yummy! And my cheapo little rice cooker can even achieve some 锅巴 like those burnt crispy rice on the bottom of the claypot when you eat the traditional claypot rice haha!

So if you are lazy to cook, try this dish, you will definitely have a satisfied meal!

1) 2 drumstick meat cut into chunks (I took out the skin if you like the skin leave it on)
2) 2 chinese sausages cut into slices
3) 2 pieces salted fish cut into small pieces
4) 3 cups of rice

1) 1/4 tsp Dark Soya Sauce
2) 1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
3) 1/4 tsp Ground White Pepper
4) 1 Tbsp Ginger Juice
5) 1 tsp Sesame Oil
6) 1 tsp Cornflour
7) 1 tsp Shaoxing wine 
Sauce (mixed together)
1) 1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
2) 1/2 Tbsp Dark Soy Sauce
3) 1 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce
4) 2 Tbsp Hot Water
5) 1 tsp Sesame Oil

1) Combine the marinade ingredients and allow the chicken to marinate in it for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
2) Wash the rice in several changes of water and place into the rice cooker with water like cooking normal rice. Add the meat (with the marinate), Chinese sausages and salted fish on top of the rice. 
3) When the rice is cooked, you can serve. I will drizzle the sauce and sprinkle pepper on top of the rice before serving. You can also add some scallion for garnish.

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