Thursday, August 11, 2011

I miss 煮炒 Cze Cha Part 1--生面 Pan Fried noodles

Really miss my fav Cze Zha stall at Tiong Bahru Market aka Seng Poh market. My fav stall is 光辉。Love their 汁河粉 (black bean sauce hor fun)and their 咸鱼炒饭(fried rice with salted fish). The thought of it makes me feel so hungry! 

It's a pity that my apartment only has an electric stove. I still prefer the gas stove as I still believe that gas stove can give the wok hei (锅气) which the electric one can't provide. Therefore it is pretty difficult to cook a cze zha dish which have the wok hei. Of course I am not a good cook lah even if have a gas stove might not have the wok hei too ;p. But I think will still make a difference. I will go to Chinatown in the weekend to fulfill my my cze zha craving. But than I still miss the one in S'pore.

But sometimes weekdays my husband and I will feel like eating cze zha. Therefore, I have tried to cook this dish to make him happy. I like to eat 生面 too cos of the crispy noodles! Like eating mamee snack ;p  I have bought a packet of chow mein  found in the chinese supermart. It looks closest to the 生面. As for the liao (料),it's up to you what you want to add. I just put whatever I have in my fridge. So this time, I have some chicken thigh meat, prawns and cabbage in my fridge so I throw them into my sauce for the noodles. I think adding 韭黄will be nice too! Or you can add choy sum. You can substitute the chicken with pork and add sotong too.  My version of the noodles is not as crispy as those which you eat at the stall this is because I did not deep fry the noodles cos I don;t want it to be too oily. I just shallow fry the noodles until it gets slightly browned. But i think it is nor crispy enough. Maybe next time I have to browned it more until it gets more crispy. One thing to note is that, if you cook the noodles with boiling water to soften it. Than you must make sure that the noodles are drained dry enough, if not the noodles will not be crispy enough if you fry it.

I will challenge the 汁河粉next time for a non wok hei (锅气) version ;p. Will update all of you the results of my challenge next week.

1) One packet of Chow mein
2) Chicken thigh meat cut into chunks
3) Prawns
4) Cabbage cut into thick strips
5) 2 small eggs
6) soya sauce
7) oyster sauce
8) pepper
9) sesame seed oil
10) shao xing wine
11) Corn starch water
12) Minced garlic

1) Marinate the chicken with soya sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, wine and sesame seed oil for a while and set aside.
2) Heat the pan with some oil and spread the noodles in a thin layer on the pan. When the noodles turn a bit brown and crispy flip over the other side to brown it too. When the noodles are done, place in on a plate and set aside.
3) Heat the pan with some oil and add in the minced garlic. Stir fry for a while than add in the meat. Cook for a few minutes than add in the prawns and cabbage.
4) Stir fry for a while, than add in water or chicken stock. When the water starts to boil again, add in some soya sauce to taste. Than add in the corn starch water. Cook until the sauce starts to thicken.
5) Than add in the beaten eggs in a circular motion. Don't stir the mixture. Turn off the heat and wait for the eggs to get cooked slowly. This way you will get the 滑蛋 feel.
6) Pour the sauce over the noodles and you can enjoy the 生面!

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