Wednesday, August 31, 2011



1) 红苋菜一把


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Claypot rice without the claypot

I guess many people already know how to use the rice cooker to cook claypot rice. For those who don't know, you should try it! It's simple, in Cantonese we call it  一锅熟 dish.  All you need is a rice cooker, chicken, chinese sausages and salted fish. You can even add other ingredients to your liking. Like my mum, she will also add fishballs, sotong balls, mushrooms, dried shrimps and yam. My family call it 有味饭. We will eat extra bowls of 有味饭 whenever my mum cooks it.

I just bought some salted fish just for this claypot rice recently. I omitted the salted fish last time whenever I cook it cos I seldom use salted fish for cooking. But since I wanted make Hakka Yong Tou Foo (i will post it later) which needs to add this I might as well buy it and use the salted fish to cook other dishes like 咸鱼炒豆芽. I would highly recommend adding the salted fish to cook the claypot rice. It really adds another depth of taste and fragrance to the rice. Just yummy! And my cheapo little rice cooker can even achieve some 锅巴 like those burnt crispy rice on the bottom of the claypot when you eat the traditional claypot rice haha!

So if you are lazy to cook, try this dish, you will definitely have a satisfied meal!

1) 2 drumstick meat cut into chunks (I took out the skin if you like the skin leave it on)
2) 2 chinese sausages cut into slices
3) 2 pieces salted fish cut into small pieces
4) 3 cups of rice

1) 1/4 tsp Dark Soya Sauce
2) 1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
3) 1/4 tsp Ground White Pepper
4) 1 Tbsp Ginger Juice
5) 1 tsp Sesame Oil
6) 1 tsp Cornflour
7) 1 tsp Shaoxing wine 
Sauce (mixed together)
1) 1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
2) 1/2 Tbsp Dark Soy Sauce
3) 1 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce
4) 2 Tbsp Hot Water
5) 1 tsp Sesame Oil

1) Combine the marinade ingredients and allow the chicken to marinate in it for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
2) Wash the rice in several changes of water and place into the rice cooker with water like cooking normal rice. Add the meat (with the marinate), Chinese sausages and salted fish on top of the rice. 
3) When the rice is cooked, you can serve. I will drizzle the sauce and sprinkle pepper on top of the rice before serving. You can also add some scallion for garnish.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Spiced Roasted Cauliflower

Every meal I try to cook a vegetable dish. Really running out of ways to come up with one. Came across this recipe in one of the food blogs ( It is really an interesting and simple dish. Most important of all I just need to use the oven don't have to wash any pots and pans and get the kitchen oily most suitable for lazy cook like me ;p. 

Cauliflower is another power vegetable. So it is good to eat more of this. If you are tired of eating broccoli, try cooking this dish. I did not follow every ingredient in the original recipe. I bought masala specially for this dish and I did not regret getting it as it really adds a really fragrant smell. I also prefer my cauliflower to be more burnt. If you do not like it this way you can reduce the cooking time. 

1) 1 medium size cauliflower
2) 2 Tbsp Curry Powder
3) 1 tsp Garam Masala
4) 2 tsp Paprika or Cayenne Pepper
5) 2 tsp Garlic Paste
6) 1 Tbsp Ginger Paste
7) 1 tsp Sea Salt
8) ¼ Big Lime, juiced
9) 3 to 4 Tbsp Canola Oil 
1) Break up the cauliflower into chunky florets, about 1-½ inches (4 cm).

2) Combine all the marinate ingredients and mix well. Rub the cauliflower with the marinate mixture.

3) Preheat the oven to 425˚F/220˚C.

4) Place the vegetables on a large baking tray in a single layer. Bake the vegetables for about 10 minutes.

5) Heat the broiler. Place the vegetables under the broiler, about 6 minutes on each side. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Asian Noodle Salad with Grill Pork Chop

The weather here is getting hotter and hotter. It's almost 40 degrees and above everyday! Sometimes really have no appetite and mood to cook my typical 1 soup 2 dish dinner. So I have decided to cook something simple and appetizing. No more brown rice but indulge in my once a week portion noodles! 

This asian noodles salad originated from Ina Garten's Crunchy noodle salad But I have made some changes to it because my husband does not like to eat the red peppers. And I have changed the noodles to buckwheat noodles as it is a more healthy choice for me. You can also use yellow noodles. I think they will be better cos the sauce will be able to stick on to it. You can also be creative in the vegetables you want to add in this salad. I think the cucumber is a must as it gives the whole salad a refreshing taste and a crunchy bite. I have some small portobello mushroom in my fridge for some time so I want to get rid of them and I added it into the salad. If you find it too troublesome to cook the mushrooms you can leave it out. But if you are a mushroom lover, than you must try it. Actually this salad taste a bit like 凉面. And if you like you can put it in the fridge and eat it cold. 

For the pork chop wise, I have bought those with the bones intact. For the marinate, I love this Thai BBQ marinate which I bought at the supermarket here. You can marinate with any marinates you like. Just salt and black pepper taste good too! If you don't have a grill, what I do is heat up a hot non stick pan, than sear the pork chop till it is just cooked. The pan must be hot! But you got to watch out the pork chops and make sure they are not burnt. 

The verdict for the dinner is--- my boss at home says very good. Phew!

1) Noodles 
2) 1 Japanese cucumber cut into strips
3) 1 bowl of bean sprouts
4) Portobello mushrooms cut into slices (or any other mushrooms you like)
5) 4 garlic cloves, minced
6) 1 teaspoon grated ginger
7) 3 tablespoons toasted white sesame seeds, divided
8) 1 cup vegetable oil
9) 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
10) 1/4 cup soy sauce
11) 1 tablespoons dark sesame oil
12) 1 tablespoon honey
13) 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (you can change it to sesame paste also)
14) 1 scallions (with and green parts), sliced diagonally
15) 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

1) Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the noodles and cook according to package directions. Drain and set aside.
2) Heat a pan with some olive oil. Add some minced garlic. Than add in the sliced mushrooms. If you prefer your bean sprouts to be cooked you can add them in as well. Stir fry till for a while. Than add in some white wine (if you don't have that can add in any cooking wine). Once the mushrooms are slightly soften you can dish it up and set aside.
3) For the dressing, whisk together the vegetable oil, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, honey, garlic, ginger, 2 tablespoons sesame seeds and peanut butter in a medium bowl. You can change the portions of seasoning according to your taste. 
4) Combine the noodles, mushrooms, bean sprouts, cucumber and scallions in a large bowl. Pour the dressing over the noodle mixture. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds and the cilantro and toss together.
5) If you prefer your salad to be cold you can put in the fridge for a while.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chinese Chives Fry Egg 韭菜煎蛋

I guess this is a very common dish in many families. But I don't remember my mum cooked this dish before. I love to eat chinese chive especially when it is used to make 韭菜糕. There is this very famous teow chew kueh stall at Tiong Bahru Market. They sell yummy teow chew kueh with thin skins. The pan fried ones are super delicious but a bit oily. They have this韭菜糕 which I will always ask my mum to buy for me.

I bought some chinese chives to cook the fermented black bean hor fun and there is still a lot left, therefore decided to try out this dish. It is very easy to cook this dish. You just need cut the chinese chives into smaller strips. Than beat 3 small eggs and add salt and pepper to taste. Heat some oil in the pan, add in the chives and stir fry for a while. Add in the beaten eggs and fry it till cooked. If you are like me prefer the eggs to be a little bit "burnt", you can fry the eggs for a longer time at a slightly higher heat.  A simple yet can keep me satisfied egg dish!

I miss 煮炒 Cze Cha Part 2---Fermented Black Bean Fish Slice Hor Fun豉汁河粉

In my earlier post of "I miss 煮炒 Cze Cha", I mentioned that I will cook one of my favourite dish-- black bean fish slice hor fun 豉汁河粉. So today I have finally prepared all my ingredients and give this dish a try. Actually it is not difficult, but than just don't have the 'wok hei' taste. Home cook with an electric stove is difficult to achieve that. That day I was watch 吃饭皇帝大 and they are teaching how to cook the Hong Kong style 豆豉牛肉河粉and they teach us a "play cheat way" or short cut way to cook the hor fun so that it has the colour and soya taste fast. The trick is to marinate the hor fun with some soya sauce first. Sounds easy and i gave it a try. The second trick to making your 豉汁 more fragrant is to steam the 豆豉 with some shaoxing wine, water and sugar than you stir fry the 豆豉 in the pan and the 豆豉 will be full of the 豉汁 smell.

Ok putting all theories into test. I did what the show taught. And the result is ---well I find just so so. First reaction from  my husband is "wow smells very nice leh", after eating for a while he says "hmm.. still lack the wok hei but why the hor fun is dry one" . So his comments sort of sums up the results. I totally forgot that Singapore Cze Cha 豉汁河粉 has some gravy. I cooked the dry version like the 干炒河粉 ;p I think I got influenced by the cooking show and the yummy version I ate during my visit to Chicago's Chinatown. Their version is the dry type and I 念念不忘the豉汁河粉at CHicago. Haha so too bad my husband don't get to eat the Singapore version.

Next time when I cook this again, I think I will add on one more step. That is to stir fry the hor fun alone for a longer time, hopefully will get a bit of more the wok hei taste. I know that is what the Cze Cha stalls do. But being lazy, I thought I can stir fry it together with the ingredients and get the taste.

I shall try it again!

1) Hor Fun for 2 pax
2) Fish slices around 15 slices
3) A small bundle of Chinese Chives (韭菜) cut into around 5 cm
4) Bean sprouts
5) Minced garlic, 1 tablespoon
6) Fermented beans around 1 1/2 tablespoon
7) Oyster sauce 2 tablespoons
8) Soya sauce 1 tablespoon
9) Shao Xing wine 1 tablespoon

1) Marinate the fish slices with some salt, pepper and a little bit of shao xing wine.
2) Wash the fermented bean with water drain well. Add 1 tablespoon of water, some oil, sugar and shaoxing wine to the fermented beans. Steam it for 8 to 10 minutes. I use microwave to heat it up for 1 minute. If you use microwave, you might need to adjust the time because different brands of microwave's power is different. Basically, as long as you can smell the fragrant of the fermented beans you can stop microwaving. Once it's done, pour away the liquid and drain the beans.
3) Season the hor fun with dark soya sauce and set aside.
4) Heat up some oil in the pan and stir fry the ginger slices for a while. Than add in the fermented beans and stir fry till you can smell the fragrance than add in the garlic and stir fry.
5) Add in the chinese chives and bean sprouts and stir fry for around 3 minutes.
6) Scoop up the bean sprouts and chives. Than add in the hor fun. Spread the hor fun in a thin layer in the pan and let it fry for a while.
7) Add in the oyster sauce and soya sauce and wine. If you think it is too dry you can add in some water. Mix well with the hor fun.
8) Add in the bean sprouts and chives, mix well with the hor fun.
9) Once the hor fun is coated with the sauce, you can scoop up and serve.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dong Cai (冬菜) Steam Minced Pork

Don't really remember I fancy this dish. Every time my mum or my mother-in-law cooks this dish, I would only scoop a little. I prefer mushroom steam minced pork than dong cai steam minced pork. This time round I decided to cook this dish because my husband miss this dish which his mother cook. 

Surprisingly, I love my own version of dong cai steam minced pork. I think mine taste better than my mum's and my MIL's ;p  I really don't know what I did which makes my version more tasty. I just feel that mum's and MIL's version of this dish, the dong cai taste is too strong and cover the sweetness of the meat. I like my version because I can taste the sweetness meat and the dong cai compliments the sweet taste too. For those who love dong cai taste maybe you will not like my version.  

1) Minced pork about 200 g
2) Dong cai around 1 to 2 teaspoon
3) Ginger juice around 2 teaspoon
4) Oyster sauce around 1 tablespoon
5) Sesame seed oil 
6) Pepper
7) Corn starch around 1 tablespoon
8) 1/4 cup of water 
9) Some chopped spring onion

1) Wash the dong cai and squeeze out the water.
2) Marinate the meat with oyster sauce, ginger juice, sesame oil, pepper and corn starch.
3) Add in the water a little at a time and mix it with the meat until all the liquid is absorbed into the meat.
4) Hold the meat in your hand and smash the meat on the plate or bowl. The more times you do it the more springy your meat will be. But be careful not to splash it all over the place. It's a good way to vent your anger or frustration ;p
5) Add in the dong cai and spring onion mix well. Let the meat marinate for at least 1/2 hour. 
6) Steam the meat for around 20 to 25 minutes.
7) When the meat is cooked, you can add some chopped cilantro or some more spring onion on top.

My typical dinner of 1 soup, 1 veggie and 1 meat or fish. When i don't feel like using the pan to stir fry I will steam/ bake fish or meat and my veggie will be poached veggie with oyster sauce. 懒人煮饭法 ;p

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stir fry brussels sprouts with ikan bilis

Bored with eating the usual veggies like kai lan, you cai, xiao bai cai. I seem to remember seeing a blog which have a recipe of stir frying brussels sprouts with meat. Looks interesting! To me brussels sprouts is an ang moh veggie, asians seldom cook this. I should give it a try since I can get it easily at the ang moh supermarket near my place. Hmm but would like to give this dish a twist. Instead of using meat, I would like to use ikan bilis. I just bought a packet and the ikan bilis is bigger than the normal ones so i better don't waste it by using it to make soup stock (cos i usually throw away the ikan bilis).

Instead of just throwing it in to stir fry with the brussels sprouts, I roast the ikan bilis in the oven to make it crispy. Usually people will deep fry it but I just lazy and baking it use less oil so you should know i have to keep a healthy diet and hence the perfect choice for me.

The baked ikan bilis
How to bake the ikan bilis:
1) If you don't mind the high cholesterol in the head of the ikan bilis, you can leave the head on. By taking the head away, you will also pull out the blackish thing at the stomach which will give the ikan bilis a biter taste. Mix the ikan bilis with olive oil and spread them in an even even layer on a baking tray.
2) Preheat the oven to around 200 degree c, than place the tray inside the oven and bake it for 5 to 8 minutes. Must be careful when you reach the 5th minute. Take a peep at the ikan bilis if they are browned and crispy, you can take them out and set aside. If they are not browned yet, you can leave them to bake in the oven.

1) 1 handful of toasted ikan bilis
2) 15 brussels sprouts cut into quarters
3) 1 tablespoons of minced garlic
4) 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
5) 1 teaspoon of cooking wine
6) 2 tablespoon of water

1) Heat some oil in the pan. Add in the minced garlic and stir fry until fragrant.
2) Add in the brussels sprouts and stir fry for a while.
3) Add in the oyster sauce and mix well with the brussels sprouts. Than add in the water. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for around 5 minutes.
4) Add in the ikan bilis and sir fry for a while. Add in the cooking wine and mix well.
5) When the brussels sprouts are slightly soften you can transfer them on a plate to be served.

Monday, August 15, 2011

想念妈妈的私房菜Part 2---算盘子


2006/08/assorted-hakka-abacus-seeds.html(Cuisine paradise)找到了做法。如果你想要尝试一般外面卖的那种比较干的算盘子,可以参考这个网站。

做这道菜比较多工,但我觉得很值得。我会在煮算盘子的前一天,先把一颗颗的算盘子做好,然后放入冰柜冷藏。其他材料我就当天才准备,这样就不会这么吃力。这也是我家婆教我的。传统的算盘子是用芋头做的。但是看了cuisine paradise的食谱,她很有创意用了南瓜。我比较喜欢吃蕃薯,所以就用日本蕃薯做了一盒。我这次煮的算盘子是芋头和蕃薯算盘子。

如何制作算盘子(大概可以做30 至35粒)
2)生粉 (大概100 -150克)
3)1/4 茶匙胡椒粉
4)1/2 汤匙酱油
5)2 汤匙沙拉油



1)8 颗香菇浸泡后切成细条
1)祥珍牌生晒油 4 至5汤匙(这是我家婆的“秘密武器”。她说其他牌子的不好吃一定要这个牌子。这个比较难找到,她是在 Giant买的。我很幸运,既然让我在网站上买到!!!超高兴!如果你家没有就加入黑酱油。)
3)蚝油 1汤匙


Saturday, August 13, 2011

想念妈妈的私房菜Part 1---榨菜肉片汤

每次我想念妈妈的私房菜就会尝试亲手“炮制”一解思乡情怀。有一天我突然觉得好像对老公不公平,我从来没有问他想念他妈妈(我家婆)的哪道菜,好让我也帮他解解馋。我家婆的私房菜,大部分我都不会做因为从来没机会向她学习;p 。所以我也只能凭着对一些菜肴的味道,材料的记忆,慢慢摸索出烹调的方法。


我这次尝试煮这道汤,说成功嘛,也不算太成功,但是我老公说味道有点像。可能他不敢说不好喝吧, 哈哈!我觉得味道淡了点。可能,我买的榨菜比较淡。也有可能榨菜在汤里煮得不够久,所以味道出不来。我会再尝试煮一次(其实是因为,还有剩下的榨菜),让榨菜煮久一点,看看结果如何。

4)10 个油豆包


Thursday, August 11, 2011

XO Fish Slice Soup -- Fried Fish Slice or Non Fried? Evaporated milk or No evaporated milk?

The Fried Fish Slice Version
Another dish I miss. The XO 鱼片米粉. There used to have one stall which my husband and I love. I think it is call Holland Village XO 鱼片米粉. It is not at Holland V but at a HDB flat coffee shop at Bukit Merah near the Spring Singapore. But sad to say they shifted somewhere else and I don't know where they are. If you know please tell me!

I bought a cheapo brandy for cooking purpose. It is just nice to try cooking XO 鱼片汤. Whenever I buy salmon for cooking I will ask the person to fillet for me and ask him to give me back the bones so that I can cook fish broth for this dish. However maybe there is not enough bones the fish broth that I cook does not have enough sweetness of a fish broth, but it does have the milky look, which means you can skip adding the evaporated milk if you don't like (like my mum who don't take any diary products). I have tried a healthier version of not frying the fish slices and ginger slices (if you are lazy sometimes, you can skip this too). I fried the fish slices when I can't get very fresh fish. Frying the fish also helps to keep the fish slices from not breaking apart. And i think frying the fish makes the fish taste better. I learnt from a cooking show of frying the ginger slices with sesame seed oil and pour the ginger and oil into the soup to cook so that the it will taste more fragrant. I have also tried that, but I find it too oily. So there are many ways to cooking it. It depends on what you like.

Ingredients for fish broth:
1) Fish bones
2) 10 to 15 Ginger Slices
3) 1 stalk of spring onion
4) Water

1) Bring water to boil and add in all the ingredients.
2) Simmer for around 2 hours until the broth turns milky.

Ingredients for XO 鱼片汤:
1) Fish slices
2) 10 to 15 slices of ginger
3) 2 tomatoes cut into quarters
4) A few slices of bitter gourd (optional)
5) Some lettuce (those used for salad) cut into thin strips (optional)
6) Flour & oil (if you want to fry the fish slices)
7) Salt or Bonito powder
8) Brandy or XO
9) Cilantro
10) Evaporated milk

1) Marinate the fish slices with some soya sauce and pepper. If you want to fry the fish, you will need to coat the fish with flour. Than heat up some oil in the pan to shallow fry the slices. I prefer to shallow fry than deep fry as it is less oily. If you also want to shallow fry the ginger, you can add in sesame oil and use low heat to fry it until they turn slightly brown.
2) Boil the fish broth again. When it is boiling add in the ginger slices (if you have fried them add in the fried slices and the sesame oil too) ,tomatoes and bitter gourd (if you are using)
3) Let it simmer for around 5 minutes add in the fish slices. and the lettuce.
4) When the soup starts to boil again, you can season the soup with salt or bonito powder and evaporated milk (if you are adding). Add in some Shao Xing wine and Brandy/XO too. You can serve once you are happy with the taste and the fish slices are cooked (if you are not using the fried slices)
5) Add in some chopped cilantro when serving the soup.

The non fried fish slices version

PS: I eat this with rice. You can add in thick bee hoon into the soup and you can have XO 鱼片米粉!

I miss 煮炒 Cze Cha Part 1--生面 Pan Fried noodles

Really miss my fav Cze Zha stall at Tiong Bahru Market aka Seng Poh market. My fav stall is 光辉。Love their 汁河粉 (black bean sauce hor fun)and their 咸鱼炒饭(fried rice with salted fish). The thought of it makes me feel so hungry! 

It's a pity that my apartment only has an electric stove. I still prefer the gas stove as I still believe that gas stove can give the wok hei (锅气) which the electric one can't provide. Therefore it is pretty difficult to cook a cze zha dish which have the wok hei. Of course I am not a good cook lah even if have a gas stove might not have the wok hei too ;p. But I think will still make a difference. I will go to Chinatown in the weekend to fulfill my my cze zha craving. But than I still miss the one in S'pore.

But sometimes weekdays my husband and I will feel like eating cze zha. Therefore, I have tried to cook this dish to make him happy. I like to eat 生面 too cos of the crispy noodles! Like eating mamee snack ;p  I have bought a packet of chow mein  found in the chinese supermart. It looks closest to the 生面. As for the liao (料),it's up to you what you want to add. I just put whatever I have in my fridge. So this time, I have some chicken thigh meat, prawns and cabbage in my fridge so I throw them into my sauce for the noodles. I think adding 韭黄will be nice too! Or you can add choy sum. You can substitute the chicken with pork and add sotong too.  My version of the noodles is not as crispy as those which you eat at the stall this is because I did not deep fry the noodles cos I don;t want it to be too oily. I just shallow fry the noodles until it gets slightly browned. But i think it is nor crispy enough. Maybe next time I have to browned it more until it gets more crispy. One thing to note is that, if you cook the noodles with boiling water to soften it. Than you must make sure that the noodles are drained dry enough, if not the noodles will not be crispy enough if you fry it.

I will challenge the 汁河粉next time for a non wok hei (锅气) version ;p. Will update all of you the results of my challenge next week.

1) One packet of Chow mein
2) Chicken thigh meat cut into chunks
3) Prawns
4) Cabbage cut into thick strips
5) 2 small eggs
6) soya sauce
7) oyster sauce
8) pepper
9) sesame seed oil
10) shao xing wine
11) Corn starch water
12) Minced garlic

1) Marinate the chicken with soya sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, wine and sesame seed oil for a while and set aside.
2) Heat the pan with some oil and spread the noodles in a thin layer on the pan. When the noodles turn a bit brown and crispy flip over the other side to brown it too. When the noodles are done, place in on a plate and set aside.
3) Heat the pan with some oil and add in the minced garlic. Stir fry for a while than add in the meat. Cook for a few minutes than add in the prawns and cabbage.
4) Stir fry for a while, than add in water or chicken stock. When the water starts to boil again, add in some soya sauce to taste. Than add in the corn starch water. Cook until the sauce starts to thicken.
5) Than add in the beaten eggs in a circular motion. Don't stir the mixture. Turn off the heat and wait for the eggs to get cooked slowly. This way you will get the 滑蛋 feel.
6) Pour the sauce over the noodles and you can enjoy the 生面!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Japchae (Chap Chae)

Hello sorry for the delay in posting any recipe. I was away in Chicago for the past week. Nice city with fabulous city view. So far this is one of my favourite cities which I have been in US. The hotel which I stay happens to be in a very convenient spot. I can walk to almost any part of the places which I want to visit. And there is also a subway station nearby if I want to travel further. Miss all these accessibilities of a city! Had gone to UNO to eat Chicago famous deep dish pizza. Pretty filling cos of the thick crust. But nevertheless it taste good! 

Have eaten too much unhealthy food when I was in Chicago. Therefore decided to cook more vegetables this week.  I chance upon this recipe when I was looking for other ways to cook vegetables. It was posted on one of my favourite food blog Rasa Malaysia ( This is a Korean dish and looks simply healthy! I don't have all the ingredients which is listed in the recipe but I guess this dish is a good way to make use of my creativity to come up with something similar with the ingredients I have in my fridge. Anyway I am trying to get rid of the left over vegetables in my fridge, so this is the perfect recipe!

1 1 bundle of glass noodles
2 100 to 150g of spinach
3 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
4 2 cloves garlic, minced
5 1/2 small onion, thinly sliced
6 1 stalk celery, cut into thin strips
7 1 small carrot, cut into thin strips
8 1 stalk scallion, cut into 1-inch lengths
9 2 handful of bean sprouts
10 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
11 Salt to taste
12 1 heaping teaspoon toasted white sesame
4 tablespoons soy sauce
2 1/2 tablespoons sugar
1 Cook the glass noodles in a large pot of boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drain the water and rinse the noodles under cold running water. Cut the noodles using a pair of scissors into about 6-inch lengths. Set aside.
2 Heat up the oil in a wok and add the garlic, onion, spinach, celery, and carrot and cook for about two minutes. Add the scallion and bean sprouts and stir-fry for another minute. Turn the heat to low and add the noodles into the wok, follow by the sesame oil, the Sauce, and salt to taste. Stir to combine well. Dish out, sprinkle with the sesame seeds, and served at room temperature.