Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BBQ Stingray in Banana Leaves

Another food I miss in Singapore---BBQ Stingray. Oh and the La La and other seafood being grilled on banana leaves with sambal chilli makes my day! I was so happy to find stingray in the Korean supermarket and I immediately grab them and without any hesitation shall make BBQ stingray!

I managed to find a recipe on The most important thing in this dish is the sambal chilli. And this time round I have made the best sambal chilli so far hehe. It's a pity that I can't find calamansi limes here (I just use key limes) if not it will taste even better. I follow closely to this recipe on Kitchen tigress website so I shall not post the recipe here. You can check out the website if you are interested. And she has better presentation and pictures for the BBQ Stingray ;)

My sambal chilli. I like ;p The tip after a few attempts is to add lot's of oil, which I usually don't follow strictly to the recipe cos I find it too unhealthy. But than, looks like to get good sambal chilli I have to keep to the proportion given in the recipes

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