Friday, December 2, 2011

Steam Muffins

Alamak bread is running out. My husband will not have anything to eat in the morning. Hmm.... maybe it's time for me try making cakes again. I must admit that I am not good in baking. The first cake I have baked from scratch is banana cake. I have chosen the simplest recipe. But, being the usual blur blur me, I have mixed up the amount of flour proportions (cos the recipe measurement is in grams and I only have a measuring cup which is in cups and ml)well, the outcome is a dry cake haha! 

After the dry cake experience, I have not baked anything yet. Everytime I ask my husband if he wants to eat cake for breakfast which I will bake, he will say, "It's ok I can eat bread" I guess he don't want to eat another failed cake experiment ;p Anyway, I can't eat too much cakes too due to my high blood sugar so I have not been trying out anymore recipes on baking. 

This time round I shall try again. I have found a recipe on making muffins but using steaming method. Sounds good since it does not use butter and steaming seems a healthier method. This recipe I got it from But I don't know what went wrong, the muffins especially the chocolate flavour one is pretty dry (yes again!) The corn one is ok. But I think I have not added enough corn. The recipe ask for corn kennels but I have used cream corn as I was trying to finish off the can corn. I don't dare to add a lot as the cream corn is watery. 

I would consider another failed attempt hehe. It's ok. I shall stick to my cooking. I think I really can't bake not even using the steaming method haha!

Ingredients: (Makes 4 servings)
1)  ½     cup (75g) all purpose flour2)  1    tsp. baking powder
3) 1    egg
4) 2    Tbsp. milk
5) 2    Tbsp. sugar
6) 1    Tbsp. vegetable oil
7) ¼    cup corn kernels
8) ¼     cup cheese today

Double Chocolate Steamed Cake
1) ½    cup (75g) all purpose flour
2) 1 ½     Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
3) 1    tsp. baking powder
4) 1    egg
5) 3    Tbsp. milk  
6) 2    Tbsp. sugar
7) 2    Tbsp. vegetable oil
8) 2-3    Tbsp. chocolate chips (I don't have this at home so i have changed this to dried blueberries)
1)  Fill a large frying pan with water to 2/3 full and bring it to a boil (and turn off the heat if you are not ready yet).  Put a cupcake liner in glass ramekins.
2)  In a medium bowl, sift and combine flour and baking powder (and cocoa powder for Chocolate Steamed Cake).    
3) In a small bowl, combine egg, milk, sugar, and vegetable oil and whisk them all together.
4)  Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix until smooth
5)  Add toppings (chocolate chips, or corns + cheese) and mix well.
6)  Pour the mixture into the cupcake liners.
7)  Place the glass ramekins in the boiling water and cover to cook 8 minutes.  Stick a wooden toothpick or skewer into the cake.  When a skewer comes out clean (without wet batter), remove them from the pan and cool down.

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