Monday, April 9, 2012

Garlic bread

Pardon the ugly photo of the garlic bread. I don't have the knife for cutting bread that's why the bread looks unevenly cut into half
I have always enjoyed eating the freshly baked bread served at the restaurants here. The Italian restaurants love to serve the bread with herbs infused olive oil. Love it! That day I was pondering what to prepare for my lunch and my mind keep thinking about the bread served at the Italian restaurant. I decided to try making my own version of the herb infused olive oil. I have bought some dried italian herbs which is sitting on my pantry. And there is also a multi grain frozen baguette in the fridge.

Actually I just pour some olive oil into a bowl, add some minced garlic and the italian herbs into it. You can add some salt and black pepper to taste. I let the mixture sit for a while for all the different taste to combined together.

Than I brush the olive oil mixture onto the baguette and put it into a pre heated oven of 350 F and bake it for 10 minutes. I make a simple salad with lemon juice and olive oil vinaigrette to go with the bread. Actually the bread taste pretty good! It is slightly different with the garlic butter spread. The later has a richer taste but the herb infused olive oil garlic bread has a fresher taste and I guess it is more healthier since it is made of olive oil??  

Almost forgot to take a photo. I took a bite and immediately grab my camera to take this shot ;p

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