Friday, March 9, 2012

Veggie Sandwich

Thinking what to eat for lunch is sometimes a headache for me. I just want to eat a fuss free lunch. I have to cut my carbo intake so the easiest way of cooking noodles dah (mee dah means dry noodles with chilli sauce, ketchup, soya sauce and a little bit of vinegar) is out of the equation for me. Sort of sick of eating salad especially for a cold day. And lazy to cook my whole grain pasta. Hmm what choice do I have left?? A huge loaf of multi grain bread is staring at me. And my veggies which is supposed to be my salad lunch is sitting in my fridge. I shall make a veggie sandwich! 

I toasted the bread till it is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Than I sliced the avocado, tomato, onion and cucumber. I wash and dry a few leaves from the romaine lettuce. To make it more tasty I minced some garlic, add some black pepper to my mayo made with olive oil. Assemble them together and it makes a great healthy sandwich meal!  There is my favourite garlicy taste, some crunch from the cucumber and lettuce, some spicy kick from the onion and black pepper, and a creamy taste from the avocado. What a great combo! 

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