Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kimchi Buckwheat Noodle Soup

I always keep a big bottle of Kimchi in the fridge. I love Kimchi and also love how versatile it can be used to cook different dishes. The other time I have posted one on Kimchi stew, now I used it to cook noodle soup. I have high blood sugar, so the doctor advised me to cut down on carbo like white rice, noodles, cakes etc, therefore when I have a craving for noodles I will use buckwheat noodles to satisfy my craving. Though not as nice as those yellow noodles but well better than nothing ;p

This another home alone one person fuss free lunch. Just grab whatever ingredients I can find in my fridge and I dump them into my soup. I just bought some Jap/Korean assorted fish cakes therefore I have added them into my meal. You can also add meat or fish slices. Using these fish cakes is also fuss free, just dump them into the soup and that's it! Just use your imagination and you can come up with a pretty nice meal!

1) Noodles (I use buckwheat noodles, you can also use bee hoon, glass noodles etc)
2) Kimchi
3) Assorted Fish cakes
4) Lettuce
5) 1 Egg
6) Spring onion, chopped
7) Japanese Bonito soya sauce (you can use normal soya sauce)
8) 3 bowls of Chicken Stock or water

1) Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package. When done drain them well and place them in a bowl.
2) Heat the chicken stock till it boils than add the kimchi and 3-4 tablespoons of the kimchi juice.
3) Cover the pot and let the stock simmer for 5 to 8 minutes.
4) Add in the assorted fish cakes, lettuce and soya sauce.
5) When the stock boils again, turn the heat off and add in the beaten egg.
6) Pour the stock over the noodles. You can add in some Jap chilli powder and spring onion before serving.

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