Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Radish Cake 萝卜糕

I have been so lazy and tired recently. Just don't feel like doing anything at home. Guess it's the weather which makes me so lethargic It's so hot and getting humid here in Houston. Everyday's temperature almost hit 37! Therefore I try to cook simple dishes everyday. Nothing new. Therefore nothing much to post recently.

Just back track a bit, 2 weeks ago my husband, a Singapore friend and me finally drove to New Orleans for a short weekend getaway. We have been wanting to go there to try the best cuisine in America. New Orleans is famous for Mardi Gras and the cajun and creole food. We tried jambalaya rice, crawfish etouffee, gumbo, authentic southern breakfast at Mother's World best baked ham restaurant, french donut at the famous Cafe Du Monde and of cos the fresh seafood! Every meal is a satisfied meal! 

French donut at Cafe Du Monde. Basically it taste like ham jim bang (咸煎饼)without any filling but instead topped with lot's of powdered sugar. Their coffee taste like Hong Kong's coffee which has lot's of milk.

Famous Seafood Gumbo served with rice

From right to left: crawfish eutoffee, rice to go with the main course and red bean rice.

I love all their food cos it's full of gravy! haha I am just crazy over food with gravy!

Okie back to the radish cake which I tried to make yesterday. I got the recipe from You can check it out at this website. Christine had pictures and detailed steps and useful tips to make a good radish cake. I just tweak a bit with the ingredients. I omit the chinese bacon and add in dried mushrooms. 

I find it is still not as soft as I would like it to be. I think I should add more water as the radish I bought is not juicy enough. I have some leftover and I have use it for another dish to celebrate Singapore's National Day. Can you guess what dish it is? I shall post the recipe tomorrow ;)

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