Friday, July 20, 2012




蛋包饭里的饭不难做。比较难的是那个蛋皮。要有耐心和“铁沙掌”;p 因为等蛋皮煎好后,还是要用手把热腾腾的蛋皮包住饭。当然可以用锅铲代替,但是我觉得用手最容易。如果你想“挑战”自己,不妨尝试做蛋包饭。

1  隔夜饭 一碗
2  肉末或切成小块的鸡腿肉(可以用酱油麻油等腌一下)
3  1/4 洋葱切成丁
4  新鲜蘑菇切成丁
5  四季豆切成丁
6 番茄酱1大匙
7  盐一小匙
8  糖一小匙
9  3颗蛋打散加点盐和太白粉水 (太白粉水一点就够,它可以让蛋不容易破)

1 热锅加油炒香洋葱。然后顺序加入四季豆、蘑菇和肉。
2 等到肉已经有点白色,加入番茄酱、盐 和糖炒一下。
3 加入白饭。把所有材料和饭炒均匀。还有要把饭炒散。根据个人口味,如果你喜欢多点番茄酱可以加入多点。
4 把炒好后的饭盛盘备用。
5 用中小火热锅,加入油。把蛋液慢慢倒入锅里煎成蛋皮。不要用太大的火不然蛋皮很快就煎焦了。用小火慢慢煎,时不时转动锅时蛋液均匀分布在锅里,形成一片厚度均匀的蛋皮。
6  等到蛋皮大概8分熟的时候,把炒好的饭放在蛋皮的中间。用锅铲把旁边的蛋皮掀起来,然后好像包薄饼一样把饭包起来。
7 盛盘后,挤一些番茄汁在蛋皮上面就可以吃了!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Steam fish fillet rolls with prawn paste

This is a dish I came up with last minute. I had bought 2 flounder fillets but just cannot make up my mind on how to cook with it. Actually I thought the best way was to coat them with either flour or breadcrumbs and deep fry it. But I felt like eating a more healthy and less clean up of the kitchen version. I can just steam it the Hong Kong way with some soya sauce and ginger slices. But I don't think it will taste good for this type of fish.

Search my fridge and found some left over prawn paste which I bought some time ago. Better use them up before I forgot about it. That's how my version of this dish came about.  I combined the 2 ingredients with some vegetables for some crunch. It is another simple dish!

1  2 Fish fillets cut into 15cm length
2  Prawn paste about 200g
3  2 Mushrooms soaked in water till soft and cut into thin strips
4  1/4 of a carrot cut into strips
5  1celery cut into strips
6  salt
7  pepper

1 Season the fillets with some salt and pepper.
2 Smear some prawn paste onto the fillets. Do not put too much if not it will be difficult to roll it up later.
3 Add in the mushroom, carrot and celery at one tip of the fillet.
4 Slowly roll the fillet into a roll.
5 Steam it under high heat for about 10 minutes or until the fillets are cooked.

If you want you can make a sauce for this dish. Next time if I am making this dish again I probably will make a sauce with some soya sauce, sesame seed oil and beaten egg than add some corn starch to thicken it and drizzle on top of this dish.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012





Saturday, July 14, 2012

Missing my mum's dishes again--- Steam egg tofu with minced meat

Another dish I look forward to whenever my mum cooks this. This is a simple and healthy dish. Sometimes my mum will use normal tofu instead. But I still prefer to eat egg tofu. You just need to get minced meat and marinate it with some oyster sauce, white pepper, sesame seed oil, corn starch and shaoxing wine. I will add in chopped spring onions and water chestnuts. If you have some prawns at home, you can also chopped the prawns into small pieces and add in to the minced meat. Cut the tofu into slices than add the minced meat on top of the tofu and steam it on high heat for about 15 minutes or until the meat is cooked. Just as simple as that and you can have a nice dish!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012



1  嫩豆腐一盒,切成小块
2  绞肉大概200克,用酱油、胡椒粉腌制
3  樱花虾或虾皮或虾米,切成成小块(如果用虾皮就不需要切)
4   红萝卜一条,去除皮然后用汤匙刮成丝
5  蚝油1汤匙
6  麻油少许
7  高汤半碗
8  油2大匙
9  葱花少许

1 热油锅将油倒下去。然后加入红萝卜丝用中小火炒至红萝卜素已经渗入油里。油会变成红萝卜的颜色。取出备用。
2  用油炒肉末。把肉末炒散,然后加入樱花虾炒一下。
3  加入炒好的红萝卜和蚝油调味炒一下。
4  加入高汤和豆腐。
5  盖锅盖焖大概5分钟。
6  如果你喜欢浓一点的汁,可以勾芡。起锅前,加入麻油和胡椒粉。
7  盛盘后,撒上葱花。

Monday, July 2, 2012

Missing my mum's dish--- Stuff squid with minced meat

One of my friends is complaining about why I am so slow in posting new dishes. Ops sorry because I was "addicted" to crocheting for the past few weeks. I am still cooking 6 days a week hehe!

Just feel like cooking this stuff squid with minced meat when I see some pretty fresh squid in the supermarket. My mum used to cook this dish once in a while. And I really look forward to dinner whenever she cook this. As my dad has high cholesterol my mum seldom cook squid and prawns. I have inherited my dad's high cholesterol therefore I seldom cook and eat prawns and squid too. But once in a while I will still pamper myself in these seafood.

This is a simple dish. You can buy squid which has already been cleaned or you can cleaned it yourself. My mum usually will just steam the stuff squid but for me I have added a sauce to it. Hope you like this dish :)

1) 4 big cleaned squids or 8 medium ones
2) 250-300g of minced meat
3) Water chestnuts chopped into small pieces
4) Oyster sauce
5) white pepper
6) Shaoxing wine
7) Sesame seed oil
8) 2 tablespoons of Spicy bean sauce (辣豆瓣酱)
9) A dash of sugar

1) Add the water chestnut in the minced meat and marinate the meat with some oyster sauce, sesame seed oil, Shaoxing wine and white pepper. Marinate for at least half an hour.

2) Stuff the squid with the minced meat. Do not stuff the meat all the way to the top of the squid because when the meat is cooked it will increased in size. If you stuff too much meat the meat will pop out of the squid. For the tentacles of the squid, stuff it on top of the squid and use a toothpick to secure it the squid.

3) Heat up the water in the steamer and when the water boils, add in the squid to steam for about 15 minutes or till the meat is cooked.

4) While steaming, mix the spicy bean sauce and sugar in a bowl. Use the microwave to heat the sauce. You can also heat it up in a wok. I am just lazy so I use the microwave ;p

5) When the stuff squid is cooked, pour the sauce on top and you can add in some chopped spring onions.