Monday, September 26, 2011

Corn soup with pork ribs and celery

This is another one of the soups I will often cook as corn helps to lower cholesterol. The corn here is very sweet especially when they are in season. And it is pretty cheap. Like one big corn for 25cents. There are even corns with purple kennels.  I have added celery as it helps to lower cholesterol too. So hope to "double power up" my soup in lowering my cholesterol level. If you don't like the taste of celery you can omit it. I have also added carrot as it adds sweetness to the soup. My mum will add some 芡实to the soup so I have added some too. Let me ask her why she add that to the soup and I will add that to this blog. I have used loin meat instead of pork ribs as you have guessed it, it is less oily. 
Usually we don't eat the ingredients of the soup, but for this one, I will cut out the corn kennels and use them for my salad the next day. So 一物二用, don't waste food. 

1) 2 corns
2) 1 medium size carrot
3) 2 stalks of celery
4) Loin meat or pork ribs
5) A handful of 芡实

1) Blanch the meat with boiling water. 
2) Boil water in the pot. When the water starts to boil add in all the ingredients. 
3) When the water starts to boil again turn down the flame to lower heat and boil for 2 hours.


  1. 芡实可以利尿,跟薏米有异曲同工的效果。。。玉米也有利尿的作用。

  2. 你好!谢谢!很高兴你留言!:)我又增长知识了!
