Monday, June 18, 2012

Grilled Seafood Patties

I have bought this grill pan and has been using it to grill my salmon and meat. I love the pan! It is non stick and easy to clean. This time I will use it to grill patties. Saw this seafood on lemongrass recipe at I have make some changes to the paste recipe. I am using the rempah (spice paste) I had made some time ago in making this seafood patties. The recipe for the rempah is as follows:

Ingredients: (recipe from
Lengkuas (aka Galangal): ~200g
Young ginger: ~100g
Turmeric: ~50g
Shallots: ~750g
Candlenuts: ~100g
Dried red chilli: ~30g
Lemongrass: ~7 stalks
Fresh red chilli: ~450g
Garlic: ~1 bulb
Salt: ~1 1/2 tsp (add when you are frying the rempah)
Sugar: ~1 tsp (add when you are frying the rempah)
Vegetable oil: ~1 rice bowl (for frying the rempah)

1  Pound/blitz the ingredients, adding vegetable oil in small quantities gives you a smoother blend. No measurements for this ... just pour a little here and there as you pound/blitz.
2 Fry over a low flame for about 1 hour, stirring all the time, until the oil floats to the top. Cool completely before scooping into a sterilised container. Freeze.

This recipe for the rempah will make quite a bit of spice paste. Since you spend so much time in pounding (for me I  pound) and frying it might as well make a big batch and freeze it so that you won't have to go through all the hard work again when you need it.

Okie now for the recipe for the seafood patties:

1  150g Prawn (after shelled), minced
2  150g Fish Paste or fillet (after skinned and debone), minced
3   3 tablespoon of spice paste. If you want it to be more spicy you can add more


1  Mix prawn and fish paste together
2  Mix cooled spice paste with prawn and fish paste.
3  Oil your hands and scoop some mixed paste.
4  Roll it into a ball than press it to form a patty
5  Heat and oil the grill pan.
6  Grilled them till completely cooked.
7  Serve.

It's sort of a healthier version of a otah as it does not have coconut milk. I husband actually prefer this to otah! ;)

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