Friday, June 22, 2012


家里还有很多荷叶。它们都是上次做荷叶饭剩下的。我怕放太久会有虫,所以想尽办法用完它们。如果再做荷叶饭,我又很懒;p 想用它们做即简单又好吃的菜。突然想到不如做荷叶蒸鸡。印象中好像有这道菜。上网找了找,很容易就找到食谱。但是都是很多功的菜,不适合我;p





这个星期六就是端午节了! 虽然远在美国但是似乎可以到妈妈包粽子的味道。妈妈每年都会亲自动手包咸肉粽和碱水豆沙粽。小时候我就会帮妈妈挑包碱水粽的糯米。好花时间啊!虽然妈妈每年包粽子但是只是让我看,总不让我动手。她怕我包不好,等一下煮粽子时会全散开。所以到现在为止,我只有个大概的概念怎么包。

去年的端午节,我和邻居到唐人街买东西时看到到处卖粽子但是价钱小贵了些,所以我们便心血来潮打算亲自动手包粽子。问题是我们两个人都没有包粽子的经验!所以只好到网上找教包粽子的录像做最后“恶补” ;p 我们这次决定包咸肉粽材料有:绿豆(做甜品dousuan豆爽那种)、五花肉、冬菇、腊肠、和咸蛋黄。






Monday, June 18, 2012

Grilled Seafood Patties

I have bought this grill pan and has been using it to grill my salmon and meat. I love the pan! It is non stick and easy to clean. This time I will use it to grill patties. Saw this seafood on lemongrass recipe at I have make some changes to the paste recipe. I am using the rempah (spice paste) I had made some time ago in making this seafood patties. The recipe for the rempah is as follows:

Ingredients: (recipe from
Lengkuas (aka Galangal): ~200g
Young ginger: ~100g
Turmeric: ~50g
Shallots: ~750g
Candlenuts: ~100g
Dried red chilli: ~30g
Lemongrass: ~7 stalks
Fresh red chilli: ~450g
Garlic: ~1 bulb
Salt: ~1 1/2 tsp (add when you are frying the rempah)
Sugar: ~1 tsp (add when you are frying the rempah)
Vegetable oil: ~1 rice bowl (for frying the rempah)

1  Pound/blitz the ingredients, adding vegetable oil in small quantities gives you a smoother blend. No measurements for this ... just pour a little here and there as you pound/blitz.
2 Fry over a low flame for about 1 hour, stirring all the time, until the oil floats to the top. Cool completely before scooping into a sterilised container. Freeze.

This recipe for the rempah will make quite a bit of spice paste. Since you spend so much time in pounding (for me I  pound) and frying it might as well make a big batch and freeze it so that you won't have to go through all the hard work again when you need it.

Okie now for the recipe for the seafood patties:

1  150g Prawn (after shelled), minced
2  150g Fish Paste or fillet (after skinned and debone), minced
3   3 tablespoon of spice paste. If you want it to be more spicy you can add more


1  Mix prawn and fish paste together
2  Mix cooled spice paste with prawn and fish paste.
3  Oil your hands and scoop some mixed paste.
4  Roll it into a ball than press it to form a patty
5  Heat and oil the grill pan.
6  Grilled them till completely cooked.
7  Serve.

It's sort of a healthier version of a otah as it does not have coconut milk. I husband actually prefer this to otah! ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012


After coming to Houston, I love Cajun food! Etouffee, gumbo, jambalaya, scampi ....  

Cajun cuisine is "A rustic cuisine, one in which locally available ingredients dominate, that has developed for the last 250 years, coming mostly from the French, especially in Louisiana, is Cajun Cuisine, featuring Country cooking, and in its earliest stages, one pot meals. Cajun Cuisine is a mixture of Cajun and Creole techniques and recipes, using a blend of natural spices to make it what it has become today." ( 

I love the richness of flavour in their food as they use a blend of natural spices. Most of the time you will find bell peppers, onions and celery also known as the Holy Trinity of Cajun cuisine in these dishes. It is usually a one pot meal with a rice to go with the dish. One of these days I hope to make a trip to Louisiana to taste the real authentic Cajun food!

I have been wanting to learn to cook some cajun food. Finally I decided to cook Jambalaya as my first attempt. It looks the easiest to me. And someone just gave my husband some home made sausages so I might as well make good use of them! 

There are 2 types of Jambalaya: the creole and the cajun. The creole is reddish in colour as tomatoes are added and the cajun has a brown colour as the meat is cooked in the pot alone and allowed to brown and caramelize. 

I got this recipe for Jambalaya from food network. It comes from Chef Emeril Lagasse. He has used shrimp in the recipe but I have left this out. He named this as Cajun Jambalaya but he has used tomatoes in his recipe. I don't really care whether it is cajun or creole as long as it taste good I am happy! 

My next try on cooking cajun food is my favourite Gumbo! 

4 servings

1  12 medium shrimp, peeled, deveined and chopped 
2   4 ounces chicken, diced 
3   1 tablespoon Creole seasoning, recipe follows 
4   2 tablespoons olive oil
5   1/4 cup chopped onion 
6   1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper 
7   1/4 cup chopped celery 
8   2 tablespoons chopped garlic 
9   1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 
10  3 bay leaves 
11  1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 
12  1 teaspoon hot sauce 
13  3/4 cup rice 
14  3 cups chicken stock 
15  5 ounces Andouille sausage, sliced 
16  Salt and pepper

In a bowl combine shrimp, chicken and Creole seasoning, and work in seasoning well. In a large saucepan heat oil over high heat with onion, pepper and celery, 3 minutes. Add garlic, tomatoes, bay leaves, Worcestershire and hot sauces. Stir in rice and slowly add broth. Reduce heat to medium and cook until rice absorbs liquid and becomes tender, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes. When rice is just tender add shrimp and chicken mixture and sausage. Cook until meat is done, about 10 minutes more. Season to taste with salt, pepper and Creole seasoning.

Emeril's ESSENCE Creole Seasoning (also referred to as Bayou Blast):
2 1/2 tablespoons paprika 2 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons garlic powder 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1 tablespoon dried thyme Combine all ingredients thoroughly.
Yield: 2/3 cup

Sunday, June 3, 2012




1  排骨
2  红菊酱,2汤匙
3  咸酸梅一粒(如果家里没有可以不放),将梅子的肉捏碎
3  酱油一汤匙
4  姜汁1/2 汤匙
5  胡椒粉少许

1  用所有调味料腌制排骨至少2小时。
2  用大火蒸排骨20分钟或至排骨蒸熟。