Saturday, December 31, 2011

皮蛋瘦肉粥 My comfort food--Pork porridge with thousand century egg


新年快乐!! 某些国家已经迈入新的一年。我还得等多7个小时才步入2012年。时间过得飞快,又过了一年。来到美国已经2年了。我可要好好珍惜在这里的最后一年,好好继续当个煮饭婆,尝试煮新的菜色。不然,回国后我想没有太多机会下厨了。


1)里肌肉 大概200g(pork loin)切薄片
5)生菜 几片切条 (我家里有所以就用了。你也可以选择不放)


Thursday, December 15, 2011


这是新加坡煮炒摊位经常看到的一道菜。我先生不是肉食主义者,但是除了鸡翅膀,就是排骨了。所以我总要学学几道排骨菜肴。因为我不喜欢需要炸的排骨,以前一买排骨就只会做豆支蒸排骨。现在总算有另一个选择。京都排骨不需要炸,很简单!我是在 找到的食谱。我就跟着里面的步骤做,所以我就不把食谱放在这了。我先生还很喜欢这道菜哦!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Or Nee 芋泥

This is one of my favourite desserts---Or Nee! Will definitely order this if it is on the menu. Whenever I attend wedding dinners, I will hope that the last dish for the day is Or Nee (keeping my fingers crossed it will  be good!). And for my own wedding I have this for the last dish hehe! 

I  have made this specially for a farewell gathering for a friend who is going back to Singapore with her 2 girls. I hope they like it.  It is really fate which bring us SIngaporeans together in a foreign country. I have never seen her though we attended the same JC and same course in uni. We joked that we were too low profile (which is very true) ;p  Anyway I will still meet her again soon, this time round in Singapore when I go back during CNY.

Before I made this dish, I have always heard many people saying it is difficult to make cos you have to cook it on a wok and keep stirring so that I will not get burnt. And to make it taste good, it is better to cook it with lard. Since I am a lazy cook, I have search the net for a easy recipe. And to my surprise, I found one which does not need to cook in the wok and taste wonderfully good too!  The 2 secrets to a good or nee i think is  the shallots oil (to replace lard if you want a healthier version) for the fragrance and a good blender for a smooth texture. My cheapo blender died on me when I tried to blend my first batch of yam that's why my or nee was not as smooth as I wanted it to be. In the end I had to use a fork to mash it up than use my blender for cake to mix the oil and sugar with it and hopefully will help to mash my yam even smoother. Phew, luckily I make it in time for the gathering! Oh and I have left out the pumpkin paste as I can't find any near my place. I think it will taste good if there was some. 

If you have a blender at home, you should try to make or nee if you are a fan of this dessert. It is really not difficult!

(adapted from :
Ingredients: (Serves around 15 pax)
1)  1.8kg of yam
2)  A handful of gingko nuts (I use the fresh with shells still intact)
3) 15-20 tablespoons of shallots oil
4) 10 tablespoons of sugar (you can adjust according to your taste)

1) Remove the shell, skin and shoots from the gingko nuts. Add the nuts in a small pot of water with some sugar and bring it to boil. Lower the heat and simmer for around 30 min for it to soften and sweeten.

2) Remove the skin of the yam and cut it into cubes. Steam for about 30 minutes or until they turn soft. Mash the yam using a fork, a masher or a blender into a fine paste while it is still hot. Add the sugar and oil to the paste and blend well. (As i am making a lot, I have mash them in 3 batches.)

3) Place the gingko nuts and yam paste (if you are adding pumpkin paste add now too) into a steam tray and steam it on high heat for 30 minutes.

4) Enjoy your or nee when hot!

PS: If you like, you can add in coconut milk when serving the or nee. Or you can add in the coconut milk when blending the paste with the sugar and oil.

Friday, December 9, 2011





馅料食材:(5 人份)
1) 450克猪肉末
4)2 汤匙酱油

1)将扁鱼冲洗一下,然后用餐巾纸擦干。用少许油涂在扁鱼上,然后放在烤盘上。将烤盘放入烤箱(烤箱用200度预热)烤至稍微变金黄色(大概10-15分钟)。你也可以拿去炸。但是我懒惰,用烤箱烤厨房比较干净 ;p

这是两人份的酿豆腐。食谱是5人份。第3份送给我的美国邻居。这是他最喜欢我煮的食物之一 ;) 第4和5份就成了我和先生明天的午餐!

1)1 1/2 汤匙豆瓣酱 (tau cheong sauce )
2)1 汤匙豆支酱
3)1 汤匙蒜茸


配上sambal chilli 更是一绝!

PS:“无汤不欢” 的我也用黄豆和江鱼仔熬了少许汤。汤很鲜甜,因为黄豆的关系。yummy!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Prawn and Scallop Linguine

Maybe you have noticed by now I seldom cook western dishes at home. Staying in a western country now, you really don't feel like eating anymore western food at home. If we have craving for it , we can just go to any restaurants nearby. But than, whenever I watch cooking shows at food network it is really tempting to try cooking some of these dishes. In my recent post on okra and tomatoes stew, I mentioned it is Paula's recipe. In the same programme that day, this pasta dish makes me have a craving for pasta. The pasta sauce is so creamy and there is no heavy cream added! But she has added can soup and cheese. In the original recipe she has used crawfish. But it is not in season now and I don't want to buy a big packet of frozen crawfish that's why I have used prawns and some leftover scallops in my fridge. I have made some minor changes in the ingredients. I just use what I have at home. It turn out pretty good! In fact this is one of my most successful creamy pasta hehe.

1) 1 stick butter
2) 1/4 onion, chopped
3) 1 green bell pepper, chopped (I omitted this)
4) 1/2 cup diced celery
5) 3 cloves garlic, minced
6) 1 tablespoons all-purpose flour
7) 1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning (I omitted this)
8)  3/4 cups milk
9) 1/2 can cream of mushroom soup (I have used cream of chicken)
10) 115g processed cheese with jalapenos, cubed (I just use any shredded cheese I have at home)
11) 450g of prawns, shelled
12) 1/2 package fettuccini, cooked (I used linguine)
13) 200g scallops
14) 1/2 cup of white wine
15) Black pepper

1)In a large pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the onions, celery, and garlic. Cook until tender, about 5 minutes. 
2) Add the flour and Cajun seasoning(if you are using) and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. 
3) Stir in the milk and white wine.cook until slightly thickened, stirring constantly, 5 to 6 minutes. 
4) Add the soup and cheese, stirring until the cheese is melted.  Add the prawns and scallops, and cook until warmed through. 
5) Pour the linguine in the sauce and mix well.  
6) You can add a dash of black pepper before serving.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

玉米鸡丁汤 Corn soup with chicken


1)浓汁玉米罐头半罐 (cream corn)
2)猪肉末 200g (我这次用鸡丁因为家里还有一些鸡胸肉)


Friday, December 2, 2011

Steam Muffins

Alamak bread is running out. My husband will not have anything to eat in the morning. Hmm.... maybe it's time for me try making cakes again. I must admit that I am not good in baking. The first cake I have baked from scratch is banana cake. I have chosen the simplest recipe. But, being the usual blur blur me, I have mixed up the amount of flour proportions (cos the recipe measurement is in grams and I only have a measuring cup which is in cups and ml)well, the outcome is a dry cake haha! 

After the dry cake experience, I have not baked anything yet. Everytime I ask my husband if he wants to eat cake for breakfast which I will bake, he will say, "It's ok I can eat bread" I guess he don't want to eat another failed cake experiment ;p Anyway, I can't eat too much cakes too due to my high blood sugar so I have not been trying out anymore recipes on baking. 

This time round I shall try again. I have found a recipe on making muffins but using steaming method. Sounds good since it does not use butter and steaming seems a healthier method. This recipe I got it from But I don't know what went wrong, the muffins especially the chocolate flavour one is pretty dry (yes again!) The corn one is ok. But I think I have not added enough corn. The recipe ask for corn kennels but I have used cream corn as I was trying to finish off the can corn. I don't dare to add a lot as the cream corn is watery. 

I would consider another failed attempt hehe. It's ok. I shall stick to my cooking. I think I really can't bake not even using the steaming method haha!

Ingredients: (Makes 4 servings)
1)  ½     cup (75g) all purpose flour2)  1    tsp. baking powder
3) 1    egg
4) 2    Tbsp. milk
5) 2    Tbsp. sugar
6) 1    Tbsp. vegetable oil
7) ¼    cup corn kernels
8) ¼     cup cheese today

Double Chocolate Steamed Cake
1) ½    cup (75g) all purpose flour
2) 1 ½     Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
3) 1    tsp. baking powder
4) 1    egg
5) 3    Tbsp. milk  
6) 2    Tbsp. sugar
7) 2    Tbsp. vegetable oil
8) 2-3    Tbsp. chocolate chips (I don't have this at home so i have changed this to dried blueberries)
1)  Fill a large frying pan with water to 2/3 full and bring it to a boil (and turn off the heat if you are not ready yet).  Put a cupcake liner in glass ramekins.
2)  In a medium bowl, sift and combine flour and baking powder (and cocoa powder for Chocolate Steamed Cake).    
3) In a small bowl, combine egg, milk, sugar, and vegetable oil and whisk them all together.
4)  Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix until smooth
5)  Add toppings (chocolate chips, or corns + cheese) and mix well.
6)  Pour the mixture into the cupcake liners.
7)  Place the glass ramekins in the boiling water and cover to cook 8 minutes.  Stick a wooden toothpick or skewer into the cake.  When a skewer comes out clean (without wet batter), remove them from the pan and cool down.