Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Coffee Meringues

I am not good at baking. From the previous unsuccessful experiments I think I am better in cooking dishes. But when I see Giada making this in one of her shows, I am very tempted to try baking one. After looking at many people talking about their failed tries at making meringues,  I am well prepared for another failed attempt at making this coffee meringues. There's always a first time.

I love to eat meringues cos they are so fluffy and light. And they are made of egg whites only, seems to be pretty healthy. But what we buy outside tends to  be pretty sweet. However, when I research about making good meringues, they were saying sugar is important factor in making good ones. Therefore, for my 1st try I shall stick to the original measurement for the sugar.

I does not have cream of tartar at home. That's why I think my meringue did not maintain it's light airy and fluffy shape. Pardon the ugly look of the meringue. I did not use pipping bag or plastic bag to pipe out. And I am BAD in shaping the meringue. I saw some chefs using only 2 spoons and they can get a pretty nice shape, but I failed haha.

Inside of the meringue. Pretty compact. Not light and fluffy. But still crunchy ;p

Add a scoop of blue bell vanilla ice cream to go with the coffee meringue so yummy! 
But I am pretty satisfied with what I get today. At least it taste okie and not burnt. Thought it is not fluffy, but it is crunchy and I can still eat it as a biscuit ;p For my next attempt I will reduce the sugar and add cream of tartar. AND get a pipping bag! 

Recipe follows: Adapted from FoodNetwork Giada's recipe of coffee and chocolate meringue
  • 3 egg whites, at room temperature
  • Pinch fine sea salt
  • 3/4 cup superfine baker's sugar*(I used confectioner's sugar)
  • 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar 
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
  • 2/3 cup mini semisweet chocolate chips (I did not add this)
*Can be found at specialty cooking stores. Or you can use the food processor to grind the sugar into finer sugar.

Place an oven rack in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F (Saw some reviews which says that 300 is too high and recommended it to be 225 - 250. So i use 250 and it turn out well) Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.

In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites and salt until frothy, about 1 minute. With the machine on medium-high speed, gradually add the sugar, about 1 tablespoon at a time. Add the cream of tartar, vanilla extract, and espresso powder. Increase the speed to high and beat until the mixture is thick and holds stiff peaks, about 3 to 5 minutes. Using a spatula, fold in the chocolate chips. Drop 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake for 30 minutes. Rotate the pan and bake for another 30 minutes. Turn off the oven and allow the meringues to cool completely while still in the oven, about 2 hours.

Store airtight in a plastic container for up to 4 days.

Cook's Note: The meringue mixture can also be placed in a pasty bag fitted with a large, plain tip (recommended: Ateco # 9808) and piped onto the baking sheet.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mui Fan (烩饭)

I seldom order Mui Fan when I eat at Cze Char stall. Cos I think we can easily cook this at home. I think it is an easy way to cook a one pot meal with whatever ingredients you can find at home. I did my version one day when I am so lazy to think of a 1 soup 2 dish meal for dinner. Open up my fridge and found some sea cucumber, frozen mix seafood and some vegetables. Just nice for a seafood mui fan! You can also use chicken or pork too.

1  Prawns
2  Frozen seafood mix
3  Sea cucumber
4  Vegetables (any kind will do)
5   A clove of minced garlic
6   Oil
7   Salt
8  Pepper
9  Cooked Rice
10 1 beaten egg
11  Some Water or chicken stock
12 Corn starch mixture

1  Heat up some oil in the pan. Saute the minced garlic.
2  Add in all the seafood and saute for a while.
3  Add in the vegetables. Stir fry for a while.
4  Add in the water or chicken stock.
5  When the water starts to boil add in the salt than corn starch mixture to thicken the stock.
6  Add in the beaten egg and turn off the fire. When the egg gets 3/4 cooked you can scoop the mixture onto the cooked rice.
7  If you like you an add in a dash of pepper before you serve.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



以前妈妈煮枸杞叶猪肝汤,我就会很期待。因为有我喜欢吃的猪肝!枸杞叶和猪肝是绝配。 可惜先生不吃猪肝,所以只好用肉末做成肉丸煮汤。枸杞叶令我印象深刻的是它有非常多的刺。每次帮妈妈摘枸杞叶时都要小心翼翼。不然一个不留神,就会被厚厚的刺扎到手,还蛮痛的。不过,这里卖的枸杞叶虽然还是有刺但是却小很多。


1  枸杞叶(摘下叶子,冲水沥干水份)
2  肉末150克
3  枸杞
4  鸡蛋一颗
5  盐

1 肉末先用酱油,胡椒粉,太白粉调味。
2  将锅里的水烧开后,将肉末做成肉丸放入水中。盖锅盖,焖一下。等水再次煮开后,加入枸杞叶和枸杞。
3  等肉丸熟了,加盐调味。然后加入蛋液。
4  蛋液变成蛋花后,就可以关火盛盘。




1  粉葛一个,去皮切块
2   花生
3   瘦肉(排骨也可以)
4   红枣去核

1  瘦肉先用滚水川烫。捞起备用。
2  将大概6碗水煮开,然后加入所有材料。
3  等水再度煮滚,转小火煮大概1 1/2 至2个小时就可以了。

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ngoh Hiang 五香

Have been too lazy to cook anything special and posting it here. And I am hooked to a new hobby ---crocheting, recently. That's why I had been quiet for the past 1 month. Time flies it's October now! Luckily this year it had been a quiet hurricane season here in Houston. I can feel Autumn coming (actually officially it is Autumn)with some cool weather approaching here---finally!

 I have cooked this Ngoh Hiang quite some time ago. I wouldn't say it is a success cos from the picture you can see that I did not managed to roll it tightly and nicely plus looks a bit burnt ;p But taste wise still ok a nice five spice powder aroma. There is a Hokkien and Teochew Ngoh Hiang recipe. I followed the Teochew one as I like to have yam in it. I will add more water chestnut next time to add more bite to it. The dried beancurd sheet which I bought here seems to be different from those sold in Singapore. It is not salty (which is good) but it seems to be harder and tougher which makes it hard to make it into a roll. Or maybe I lack the skills haha! 

The recipe I have adapted from Cuisine Paradise(http://ellenaguan.blogspot.com/2010/05/teochew-ngoh-hiang.html). Do take a look at her website as she has detailed instructions and photos to guide you.

The changes I made is that I did not add carrots and the fried onions. As mentioned in her website, if you make a big batch like me and intend to freeze please remember to wait for it to cool down before putting in the freezer. I have wrapped the Ngoh Hiang individually in plastic wrap so that they will not stick together when frozen. 

I have tried to use the oven to bake the Ngoh Hiang too (to lazy to deep fry and do the cleaning work later), actually it also can be pretty crispy on the outside! I have sprayed some oil (I use those baking sprays) on the ngoh hiang and put them on the baking tray to bake at 350 F for 10- 15 min or until you see the Ngoh Hiang turns slightly brown.   Oh before I forget you must defrost them before you bake them. It is a lot of work making them but I think it is worth the effort. You can make more and froze them. When you have a carving for it just dump them in the oven and you can enjoy it after 15 min! :)

Raw Ngoh Hiang. Looks ugly right! My wrapping skills really needs more practice