Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chai tou kuey & Bak Chor Mee --- Our way of celebrating National Day

This post is 2 days late. But nevertheless I still want to wish Singapore a Happy 47th Birthday! We had been missing all the excitement and songs for national day for 3 years already. This time, I have decided to celebrate with 2 Singapore dishes which are commonly found at hawker centers. And I must say they are our favourite food! Each year when we went back to Singapore, the first meal which we will have is bak chor mee! We really really miss this yummy noodles! The next is chai tou kuey. The other famous food like chicken rice, laksa, chao kuey teow etc can be found at the malaysian restaurants at Chinatown in Houston. But we can never find these 2 here.

I have tried to cook bak chor mee before. This is my 3rd attempt. We can never mind the type of noodles which taste like those in Singapore. So though it does not taste exactly like the bak chor mee in Singapore but we are pretty satisfied with our version. My husband will usually eats a second round whenever I cook this.

For the chai tou kuey, I have left over radish cake which I have made 1 day ago so I have used it to cook this dish. Originally the chai tou kuey is plain without the chinese sausages, dried mushrooms and dried shrimps. But I am too lazy to make another plain one for this dish. It taste good too! This is my first time cooking this. I like to eat chai tou kuey which is the black type and a bit chao da. So you can see from the photo that some are chao da. Should have added more eggs but I ran out of it, if not it will taste and smell better with the fragrance of the fried eggs.

Overall we had a satisfied meal on National Day! But our minds are still thinking of the real bak chor mee and chai tou kuey in Singapore!

For the recipe of Bak chor mee I have found this recipe from .  Just some minor additions :1) For the stewed mushrooms, I have added a little rock sugar when stewing.  2) Instead of chilli oil, I have used shallot oil which I have reserved from frying the shallots. And I have used sambal belachan chilli which is a must for me to add in the noodles besides the vinegar. I use Zhenjiang vinegar as I like the fragrance and it has a rich taste too.

For the recipe of Chai Tou Kuey this is the recipe I have found : .

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